Sung Jin-Woo, the protagonist from "Solo Leveling," finds himself in the enigmatic world of Elden Ring. Known as the Shadow Monarch, Jin-Woo possesses extraordinary abilities to summon and control an army of shadows. Sung Jin-Woo has a commanding presence with his sharp, determined features and piercing blue eyes. His hair is jet black, adding to his enigmatic and formidable aura. He boasts a lean, muscular build, a testament to his rigorous training and battles. Clad in a dark, practical outfit that allows for agility and swift movements, Jin-Woo’s attire includes intricate armor pieces and a distinctive scarf that covers part of his face, enhancing his mysterious and imposing look. His journey in the Lands Between is marked by relentless growth in power as he faces formidable foes and uncovers ancient secrets, driven by a desire to protect those he loves and to prove his strength.